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lol. 2 an extent, thats true. there was a period when shaan and saima were in 90% of the movies released that particular year. lol.
i guess the reasoning behind it was: why mess with a winning pair/formula?! people complain now, but at the time, they packed the cinema's 2 watch.
as 4 bollywood, the way u make it seem, money should not be an issue. casual fans like me would be drawn 2 marquee names like madhuri, anil kapoor, srk and so on -all in one movie. as such, people would not mind investing in such a movie and profit should not be an issue then, no? ah well....easier said than done i guess.
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lol @ paki lion. all very valid points.
he's right ricky. nobodys asking for money from anyone. we're simply being rewarded for helping out the united states. if not for pakistan, it could easily be said, this 'war or terrorism' is MUCH more difficult that it has been thus far. so your notion of musharraf 'begging' for money is ludicrous. fact of the matter is, india feels threatened by our new relationship with the u.s., atleast in my opinion.
people laugh at musharraf?!?!!! common yaar...people laugh at the mere sight of vajpaee! u can't tell if he's awake half the time. LOL. musharraf not only presents himself outstandingly, but also knows how 2 speak MUCH better english. lol.
anyhow - as far as cultures go, u could sugarcoat it all you want. bottom line: pakistan and india ARE eqauted 2gether. sad but true. and as 4 pakistan emulating india's ethos of culture and society...i say once again - a cable strike doesn't mean we're emulating your culture and society. you're putting WAY 2 much stock in bollywood man. bollywood's a reflection of your society, no doubt. but it doesn't make up your entire culture, and we BOTH know it certainly doesn't reflect your ENTIRE society. lol. i'm sure your fellow indians would agree.
we want 2 model our way of making and promoting movies 2 india's method(s). NOT the content. there's a difference. and the people simply want to be able 2 watch them, not immitate them (your movies). again, there's a difference. now if this means more 2 u, than winning a help you god. LOL. NFAKFan37906.0668055556
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son, you're acting like its all set 4 filming or something, what with that 40 crores comment. lol. i was kidding. lol.
but you're right, bollywood fans would flock solely 2 see the cast of my alleged bollywood movie, and lollywood fans 2 see cast of my alleged lollywood movie. lord knows they don't want 2 pay attention 2 my 2-bit directing. lol.
i wonder why bollywood donesnt make a movie with a MEGA cast? and by mega cast i mean the greats from the 90's with the greats from 2day. i wouldn't mind seeing that (similar 2 my proposed bolly cast).
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i gotta step in here just for one second...
ricky...u said pakistanis themselves are 'india-obsessed.' dude....don't put words in my mouth. pakistani's are probably bollywood-obsessed but thats about it. 2 say that pakistanis are india-obsessed....get real man. a freakin' cable strike doesn't make us india-obsessed. lol. we want 2 model our LOLLYWOOD after india's BOLLYWOOD. not our country or its people with your's, and i say that with all due respect. afterall, thats why we seperated in the first place!
with the exception of religion, which no doubt is a HUGE deciding factor, our cultures are pretty much the same, and THATS how the world see's BOTH india and pakistan. an article here and there, doesn't prove much atleast in my opinion, cause that article in turn is an opinion of the writer. u and i could walk down the streets of toronto or atlanta or any other north american city together, and ask any white guy the difference between pakistan and india and we'd get the same answer: same sh*t different pile. sad but tru.
i give india props on its accomplishments in the entertainment world and otherwize, but pakistan definately ain't far behind in either category and i would dare say, right up 2 par with india in others. we're proud of our accomplishments as u can see, and we won't put up with u or anyone else putting them, or our society down and labelling us as india-obsessed, based on things such as newspaper articles and a cable strike.
again, everything i said, is with all due respect 2 both india and pakistan. they're each their own DISTINCT country. can we leave it at that, EVERYBODY (not only ricky-boy)?!
Age: 125
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peeps lets not get into pakistan vs. india again.
why can't we all agree 2 disagree?! lol. or why cant everyone do like me and accept that, for every 10 movies pakistan makes, 1 will be a hit, and for every 10 songs we make, 9 will be a hit? meanwhile for every 10 songs india makes (on its own) 1 will be successful, and for every 10 movies they make 9 will be a successful! in other words, as far as arts go, each country shines in its own category.
just thought i'd add my 2 sense there. otherwise, ya'll carry on.
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i would definately pay 2 see a movie with you're name associated with it. lol.
as 4 me....the thing is, i would want an emotional movie, and to get emotion u need kick ass actors and actresses. that means u can throw out a huge chunk of the newer 'talent' making their way into lollywood and bollywood, atleast in my opinion (since most of 'em can't act for beans), and that in turn means i've already lost a boatload of viewers since they seem 2 dig this new 'talent.'
my bollywood movie would have amraish puri playing heel with madhuri, srk, anil kapoor and sunjay dutt and even sri devi 2 round things out. lol.
my lollywood movie would see shaan and saima in the lead, no questions asked with sharqat cheema playing the heel.
as 4 music....i would regergitate nusrat's music and give him 110% credit!
Age: 125
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lol. they're JATTS. lol. i guess you're right YDAKH! but still, punjabi movies are cool. one day they might surprise us and make a digital one?! who knows?!
Age: 125
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yaar asal may, yeh movie pichlay saal release honee thi. lol. but then the target date was aug. 14 of this year. then it was aug. 26, then september 26th, then oct. 6th and now i have no idea. lol. sayed noor said on sunday ke sunday that he is puposely delaying, so he can promote it. so thats good, and bad at the same time.
they showed commercials on a local tv show here in toronto, so looks like the promoting is working...
Age: 125
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lol @ flawless.
and mr death....i know you're nishu! i also know you've reconsidered your take on pakistani drama's, just like ricky boy. its abt time. lol. we may suck at movies but we know our drama's! i admire u 4 'changing u're mind a lil bit.'
anyhow, i said thank u for telling the rick-meister that sayed noor's a big time director, atleast 4 pakistan!
Age: 125
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lol. yeh kaisa dost huwa?! he doesn't even lend u his camera?! j/k
aur jinaab.....saima teek hai, thank you! last i heard, she got sick and stopped shooting for a couple of movies. but all is well now, and she's back at it!
4 movies hit jaieen gee meray khyal me, jin ke ander saima hai: larki punjaban, quadi 786, commando, aur bandish. sab ki achee story hain! lets wait and see...!
aap to u.s. me ho, right?! any sign of larki punjaban yet?!
Age: 125
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in reference 2 the last line of that novel (j/k), bahar begum (the stepmom from chooriyan (pakistani movie))said almost the exact same thing at the musical premiere for lollywood's upcoming movie larki punjaban. she said the time for 'acting' is long gone, and people want more reality-oriented work from entertainers (actors actresses).
Age: 125
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i saw sayed noor on sunday ke sunday. he said he is working on a movie which will profile the life of a serial killer in jail. it will explain what goes on his his head when he commits the murder(s) and what goes through his head while in jail, not 2 mention his family's reaction. should be cool......
Age: 125
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gee i wonder who will be the lead actress, since noor's directing?!?! lol. (j/k)
umair16 where did u see the songs?! i saw the songs 4 remand, but not this movie. this one sounds interesting since it was shot overseas.
and mr. death...sayed noor is definately the best. he has more experience and more hits. rauf khalid and javiad sheikh have only 1-2 movies under their belt. u can't call them all-stars, until they have more than one hit!!! so by default, sayed noor is pakistan's best these days, atleast in my opinion!